Day 20 Still on Track
Well I have been so busy that I haven't had time to write a new entry for a week! However, it's Monday and I am back at the laptop.... I haven't fallen 'off the wagon' just in case you were wondering what kind of busy I have been! However, I did feel a big temptation to have a drink on Friday (my one and only time of the week that seems indoctrinated that I absolutely MUST have alcohol!). I think this is a hangover from my younger years when there was something wrong with me if I wasn't out partying on a Friday night. I went from those years to spending Fridays at a friend's house, usually armed with Brandy and then to drinking at home when the children were in bed. So, I guess upon reflection it is going to be the hardest night to change. Anyway, I soldiered on and I often find once I get past 8pm I am no longer bothered and the temptation has gone - at least for wine if nothing else! It has really helped that my husband is off the alcoho...